Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 7 in London--10/7/11

Our last full day in London!  I didn't want to plan too much for this day because I wanted it to be more chill as it was our last day.  We decided that we wanted to go back to Harrod's.  We rushed through it too quickly our last time there, so we both wanted more time to browse.  We went to their Christmas World and got an ornament and some gifts.  I also took the time to look thoroughly (and be utterly impressed) by the food halls.

We had lunch at a pizza bar in Harrod's. Again, the picture is only of half of our pizza because I forgot to take one before we started.  I'm usually good at remembering to take pictures of my food, but on this trip, I guess I was all about digging into the food first, or forgetting to take a picture altogether. 
Harrod's Lager--We Brought the Bottle Home with Us

Hustle and Bustle of the Pizza Bar

Our Pizza--Chicken, Kalamata Olives, Roasted Red Peppers

I didn't want to eat anything too heavy because I had made a reservation to have afternoon tea today.  Of all the places to choose from to have afternoon tea, I made a reservation at St. James's Restaurant in Fortnum and Mason.  My grandma recommended this place and it was in one of my guidebooks. We got to Fortnum and Mason pretty early because I wanted to walk around their store.  I knew they sold stuff, but I thought it would just be one floor of teas and biscuits and things of that nature.  Boy, was I wrong!  The store was 5 stories and they sold all kinds of things!  The first floor was all the food products and on the upper levels they had a whole bunch of random things--perfumes, china, kitchenware, men's accessories, etc.  It was a really neat store, wish they had something like this in American!  The clerk who checked us out at the register said that around the Christmas holiday season, there are about 5000 customers on the main floor!  Cah-razy!
Fortnum and Mason-outside


Ground Floor of Fortnum and Mason

Ground Floor of Fortnum and Mason

Ground Floor of Fortnum and Mason

More of the Ground Floor

Christmas Area

Another Floor of Fortnum and Mason
After walking around for a while, it was finally time for our afternoon tea reservation.  We both had high tea, meaning we had one course that was more of an entree size (as opposed to the tea sandwiches) and also scones  and dessert.  We each had a pot of tea--I finished mine and Mark had about 3 cups of his--he did very well for a person that doesn't drink tea!  The food was really good, I had an english muffin with poached eggs and smoked salmon.  Mark had the cheddar souffle.  The scones were also really good, especially with the jams.  I'm not a big fan of jam actually--not that I dislike it, it just doesn't do all that much for me.  But these jams were delicious!  The jars of jam that you see in the pictures, they open new jars for each table and you don't end up using all that much of it.  They throw away whatever is left...what a waste of delicious jam!  I asked the waiter about this and he confirmed that they throw away whatever is left, so he said I could take mine.  I brought it all the way back to the States with me! 

My Place Setting, with Tea and Lemonade

Mark, making sure his tea is just right, or at least as good as it can be for a non-tea drinker

English Muffin with Poached Eggs, Hollandaise, and Smoked Salmon
Twice Baked Cheddar Souffle

Assortment of Plain and Fruit Scones and Desserts

Clotted Cream on Top and Apricot Jam and Strawberry Jam (Mark is jokingly saying it's time to go in the background)
This was another great day and a wonderful way to end our vacation!

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