Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October Snow

We got snow this past Saturday!  I watched the weather forecast the day/night before and it seemed like it was going to be a pretty nasty day.  I had planned to go to my friend Tara's house and spend the night because Mark was out of town for the weekend.  I tried to leave on the earlier side since the weather people were saying that it was supposed to be the worst in the afternoon and evening.  Even though I left at about 10:45 AM and it's mostly highway driving, it was a pretty tough drive.  Parts of the highway were quite slushy, so people were going only about 40 mph.  Other times, the snow was coming down pretty hard so it was somewhat difficult to see.  Other parts of the drive were kind of ok.

By the time I got down to where she lives, it was pretty bad and snow was accumulating quickly.  We ended up going out to lunch in her town (less than half a mile away) and my car was slipping and sliding all over the place!  When we finished lunch, we witnessed part of a tree crack and a limb broke off due to the weight of the wet leaves and snow.  We ended up staying in for the rest of the day, which was nice and cozy.  We watched the Sound of Music, which is my all-time favorite movie, ordered in food for dinner and spent a lot of time catching up and talking.  It was fun to have a girls weekend! 

The next day the weather was sunny and clear.  A lot of the snow was melting, even though there was a good amount still on the ground.  We ended up going to this wonderful tea house (which we have been to together once before) called Teaberry's.  I love this place!  They have about 80 different types of tea to choose from and their food is delicious!  They also serve traditional afternoon tea.  I got this turkey sandwich with chai apple butter, thinly sliced Granny Smith apple, cheddar cheese, bacon, and field greens.  It was out of this world!  The bacon was extra crispy, just how I like it.  The flavors were a perfect balance of sweet, salty, and tart (sour).  I forgot to bring my camera this weekend (bummer) so I took a picture of the leftover half at home.

After lunch at the tea house, we did some outlet mall shopping and then I came home.  The drive home was much better than the drive there!  I had such a great and relaxing time, kind of like a mini vacation...thanks to Tara for hosting!

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