Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Goodbye Christmas 2011--My Favorite Gifts

Wow, I've been enjoying this holiday season so much I've gotten really behind on my blog!  I've been taking pictures along the way but haven't had time to sit down and write posts.  But I am slowly catching up.  Mark was off of work Monday and today and it warms my heart to spend time relaxing together.    

We spent this Christmas my in-laws here in NJ.  It was a wonderful day, with lots of time spent opening presents.  Mark came up with a good plan this year though, instead of waiting for each person to unwrap each gift and show it to everyone else, we each opened one gift at the same time, then shared what we got.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  For a few hours.

I (we) got some really generous and awesome gifts this year!  Like seriously, I love these gifts so much if you were here in person I would announce them and show them to you in my Oprah announcement voice.  But alas, there is only one queen of talk--and I miss her show dearly.  OWN is just not the same.

In any case, I took a picture of some of my favorites:

A super soft scarve and glove set from Lands' End.  Love the softness and the color.

A set of 10 Oxo airtight storage pur-dy!  When Mark goes to bed at night, I stare at these and can't believe they are mine--all mine!  Just kidding...maybe.

A Burberry scarf Mark bought me from Harrod's in London with fancy-schmancy wrapping.  Now I'm going to have to keep the box and bag for the rest of my life because they are too nice to throw away.  The wrapping job was pretty ridiculous--it was like the scene in Love Actually when Mr. Bean is wrapping the necklace present at the department store.  The only thing this gift was missing was a stick of cinnamon--you know what I mean if you've seen the movie.

A gigantic stand mixer--Holy Cow, I can't believe I own a stand mixer!

A Keurig machine from my brother--I feel so posh using this in the morning!  I've actually been using it a lot throughout the day to make hot water for tea. 

Super Soft Pajama Set--I'm going to be living in these this winter.  No joke.
Look how soft and fluffy!

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