Thursday, May 17, 2012

Little Boxes....On the Hillside

Boxes in NJ, Before the Move
 If you watch Weeds, then you know where the title of this post comes from.  Anywhoo, I was just going through the pictures on my camera and came across these that I took before and after our move.  They give you an idea of just how much work we had cut out for ourselves and what we've been up to for the past month.  This was most of the boxes, (I think we had about 150 boxes total) but not all of them, and of course, none of our furniture are in these pictures.

Delivery of Boxes in Austin

A Large Pile of Opened and Emptied Boxes

Another Perspective of the Emptied Boxes
 We actually unpacked the vast majority of the boxes within the first 5 days.  But it took about the rest of a month to organize things and put things in their places.  We are pretty much settled now but there's always things on my to-do list to make things look better!

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