Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weekend Update

We had a really fun weekend!  It was a balance of being busy during the day, but also getting to sleep in...a lot.  And it felt wonderful.  On Saturday we finally went to see the Hunger Games.  We both really liked it—Mark liked it much more than I did, but I also thought it was good.  Not exactly good enough to motivate me to read the books, at least for now.  I might some day, but it’s not at the top of my priority list.  In the evening, we went to the Pecan Street Festival, which is one of many annual arts festivals in Austin.  It was super hot, so we walked through it kind of quickly and didn’t see anything of interest to us.  It was dark when we got home but we were so hot we went swimming in our apartment pool.  It was nice and relaxing, especially since we were the only ones there. 

On Sunday I did a LOT of cooking, which hopefully I’ll get to blog about before this weekend.  I made chicken soft tacos, fruit dip, and banana pineapple chocolate bread.  It was hot again on Sunday, so having the stove and oven on for hours probably wasn’t a good idea, but all the food was delicious. 

Last night we finally got around to hanging up some pictures in our apartment.  This was pretty much the last step in our “unpacking.”  We hung around 50% of our pictures, all downstairs, so things are definitely coming together.  Still more work to do though.  I also got some lamps from Goodwill yesterday that I plan to spray paint and spruce up.  It'll be my first DIY project of this sort, but I've seen so many cool lamp renovations on blogs that I wanted to try it myself.  I hope to go buy the spray paint today, but I'm still trying to figure out the logistics of spray painting something when I don't have any outdoor space in my apartment.  I will post pictures when I finish it though--hope it turns out well!

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